Sunday, 31 August 2014

Vanessa Carvalho

This exercise gave me the chance to actually analyze, and think of things that actually matter to me or I remember. 
 This picture take to my roots in my native place, where I used to run behind the goats at my grandfathers farm and even hide between the goats while playing with my cousins.
 This picture takes me to my roots in school, this is my first standard classroom, I used to sit right opposite the class teacher since I was a talkative child, innumerable memories are attached to this class.
 This  staircase belongs to the building where I was born, as a child I used to sit on the stairs and watch the light patterns and wonder as to what lies beyond the window as I was too small to reach the window and look outside.
 This Picture is of the Catechism class of my church, where children are taught their prayers and educated about Christianity, I have passed all my classes and tests and miss attending them, it takes me back to all the roots of my faith in god.
This is the pin wheel vendor, I was very fascinated with the mechanism of the pinwheel and used to ask my parents to buy one every time in the hope that I would figure out its movement pattern. It takes me back to my childhood.


Unknown said...

Vanessaaa.. pin wheels remind me of my childhood too. i had tried making one when i was a kid.

Unknown said...

Am glad to hear that this exercise made you think. But your expression of what you went through is bereft of emotion. All images in LS. Distant. Purely for information. what does it feel like to be a child again - The excitement of hiding among goats or sitting up front in class? Is there any other way you can imagine the pinwheels?
Redo! - Ajay